In the United States, there are nearly 27 million small businesses which account for approximately half of the country’s GDP.  As we all know, the unprecedented coronavirus crisis is taking a disproportionate toll on this critical part of our economy. 

As a firm, we are highly fortunate to represent some of the largest and most well-known companies in the world.  Yet many small businesses do not have access to the same caliber of legal services, and, particularly during this economic contraction, do not have the financial resources to afford them.  So we are stepping up to help.

We want to play our part to help small businesses and startups during this time of need.  We believe it is our duty to offer free legal advice and guidance so that these small business and startups can focus on continuing to provide income to their employees, and goods and services to their communities. 

Accordingly, starting this week, we will be rolling out a pro bono program designed to provide free counseling and consultation services to small businesses and startups in need.  These sessions will be by videoconference and phone, and will be targeted to address the legal issues small businesses and startups are currently facing. 

If you own, or know someone who owns, a small business or startup, and have questions about an actual or potential dispute, business negotiation, rent abatement or reduction, or similar legal issues, we stand ready to help.  These sessions will be entirely free, confidential, and without any expectation whatsoever to retain our services thereafter. 

All inquiries should be directed to with a brief description of the issue or issues you would like to discuss and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Similarly, if you are a professional services provider or other business who may be in a position to help small businesses in their hour of need, please let us know so we can assemble a cadre of potential resources.

Lewis & Llewellyn.  We are here to help.


In litigation, winning is everything.


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601 Montgomery Street, Suite 2000, San Francisco, CA 94111